What is SSH over Cloudflare?
SSH over Cloudflare is a new method for tunneling using the SSH protocol.
You can place a host bug in the "SSH Host" field such as V2ray Vmess or Vless.
Setup SSH over Cloudflare with OpenTunnel Injector
These screen-shots are in English version Android OS. If you use other language, you can still configure it easily by referring the following instructions.
1. Install OpenTunnel Injector
You can download and install OpenTunnel Injector here.
2. Choose Server & Create an SSH Account
Open the https://opentunnel.net and choose what server you want and fill in the fields of all forms.

3. Setup to OpenTunnel Injector
Open OpenTunnel Injector app and set to "DIRECT" and tick "Custom Payload". Place this code to payload form:
GET / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: sgs-5.cdn-svr.com[crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]
Replace "sgs-5.cdn-svr.com" with you SSH Server Host.

4. Setup SSH
Go to "SSH Settings" and fill in the fields of all forms.
"bimbel.ruangguru.com" is a working bug host with Proxied in Cloudflare.

5. Connecting to SSH Server
Click "Start" button and wait until connected.